How to provide a better user experience in your website


better user experience in your website

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Running your website?

Have you optimized your website using digital marketing strategies?

Even after going by the norms of digital marketing, you may be experiencing a lack of customer traffic on your website.

If you have analyzed your low performing website you can notice that people visiting your website are not becoming your customers, and those who were your previous customer are not returning after a single purchase.

This lack of attractiveness is mainly caused by the inadequacy of the user experience.

You should always make sure to provide a better user experience in your website.

Today’s world, and its very existence in the digital era, is inevitable. Your website can be considered as a dynamic salesman who is on the job 24*7 and provides unparalleled support and growth in sales.

If you are consistent in putting efforts into improving the user experience in your website, you can undisputedly transform your website into a highly efficient sales attraction.

Not sure yet?

No worries, we will elaborate

Rather than a large sum of investment in website designing and other correlated factors that are equally expensive for you, we will discuss small things that can make ample changes costing you much less.

We now live in a fast-phased world that is enduring rapid changes. These changes affect your nicely developed websites as they become outdated and low performing as days pass by.

A low performing website will accumulate more and more bounce rates, giving your products and brands a bad impression. This eventually leads to a bad reputation in this competitive market, which is drastic.

Before we move on to the free tools to use, let us introduce the latest news update from Google, the Google Page Experience Algorithm.

So, what is this update all about?

Let us explain,

On what factors do you think that Google ranks a website?

By analysing the best backlinks or by checking on the website’s build quality

If your answer matches the above suggestions, then you are wrong.

Google ranks a website truly based on the user experience, or what the users love the most.

What we are trying to say is that Google is constantly adapting to the needs of the users online, like showing up the sites they like the most with the best user experience, no matter if it is a brand or a site with a common interest of the people.

This update has not been implemented yet, but it is underway

When you are depending on online platforms like Google always expect changes as people’s needs change so do the providers.

Now moving on to the tools for you:-


Table Of Contents


Amplify your page speeds


Find out Page errors ( 404 )


Scrutinise the mobile friendliness and site responsiveness


Emphasised and sophisticated headings


Call to action on every page

Amplify your page speeds

better user experience in your website

A slow-loading page is the foremost reason why a visitor gets frustrated and exits your website causing an increase in bounce rates.

Every customer expects a smooth transaction within pages to fulfil their needs without any glitches or delays.

Hence Optimizing your website page speeds is one of the important factors to boost up the user experience.

According to several surveys online, an extra 2 seconds for a website to load causes a whopping bounce rate of 50 per cent.

Teaming up with inexperienced digital marketers, developers or designers using suspicious tools and themes on your websites only results in working up the top position in terms of bounce rates.

The main factors you have to take care of are: –

◒  A poorly performing website hosting server
◒  Non – compressed image used all over the website
◒  More Ingrained videos
◒  Installation of Slow, outdated or unverified plugins

These are a few of many critical reasons that are slowing down your websites.

To analyse the performance and make suitable rectifications you can use the free tool provided by Google, Google’s PageSpeed Insights.

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Find out Page errors ( 404 )

better user experience in your website

Once a link to your website is provided as a backlink on any web directories or through any other platforms, a potential customer expects to be directed to a specific page on your website via the link provided.

But if that happens to be a 404 page not found error ( Broken Link ), the user is going to get flustered and possibly lose trust in your brand.

A broken link is the main factor that pisses off many customers who might be crucial for your business. Most of the visitors on the web lack patience when viewing a page error let alone wait for a website to load.

There are many free tools that you can rely on for rectifying or at least finding out if there is any broken link on your website.

Google’s Webmaster tools are one of the prominent tools that can be set up to crawl the pages on your website for any possible errors. This tool is a feature available on Google Search Console.

Scrutinise the mobile friendliness and site responsiveness

better user experience in your website

As the technology universe is developing each second, people all around the world are getting adapted to this so-called modern world.

The usage of mobile phones is on the surge day by day. Now -a- days there are just a minority of people that are not using mobile phones.

And as the number of smartphone users increases all around us, so do the visits to your websites that come from smartphone users.

Hence you should always make sure that your websites are mobile-friendly.
Google now penalises websites that are not yet optimized for mobile access.

For effective responsiveness your website should comprise of: –

● Enhanced font size for readability on mobile phones
● Keeping the page minimal for not creating a clustered feeling on mobile phones
● Creating menus for mobile users, unlike desktops, mobile phones have a restricted screen space.

These are some of the major key points that you have to take care of.

You can check your site’s mobile-friendliness in Google’s mobile-friendly test which is a free tool for all users.

Emphasised and sophisticated headings

If your website is one with lots of content, consider that your potential customers or visitors choose to visit your website only to find out it is confusing and deviating from what you stand for.

Do not confuse the customers, be consistent in your content especially when you write your headings, heading is a major factor that attracts more customers.

If you do not emphasise your heading and make them casually without any proper attraction, the customer may eventually depend on your competitor for the same kind of information.

Proper analysis and elegant font selection with apt colours will surely mesmerise more visitors leading to organic growth for your brand.

Call to action on every page

better user experience in your website

Try to guide every visitor to where you want them.

Guide not Lure!!

Your content and calls for action or forums should not sound like you are being decisive and luring your visitors to get sales. That may impact you negatively.

Calls to action is an important element of your website. Every page should have an action to guide the potential customer, may it be the forms, links or any of such actions that intimates into actions.

This can be as simple as providing a link to your other pages like blogs or about us or services for more possible actions and a chance to keep the visitor engaged for a long time on your website.

Try out our suggestions on how to improve user experience on websites.

Your extensive effort and consistency can result in an everlasting user experience building you a trustworthy face of marketing

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