moment marketing

Moment marketing…

What is it?

As the name suggests, it is marketing at the very moment.

Sounds interesting. Right?

We all agree with the fact that the best marketers are the one who keeps an eye out for what’s fermenting in the marketing world. In today’s digital approach, moment marketing has fostered into a vital tool that is making its presence felt.

Recent times have made us realize the importance of digital marketing and the impact that can have on our business. If you want to learn more about digital marketing, do read the complete guide to digital marketing career in india. Even if everything fails, digital marketing is one thing that can stand out at the trial of time.

So would you like to know the secret behind why some marketing endeavors and marketing campaigns are more popular than others?

Yes, the secret behind it is well-crafted messages that reach and resonate with the clients at the right time, and that is what we call moment marketing.

So what is moment marketing?

Moment online marketing is all about conveying the right message to the privileged audience, at the perfect time, in context. In other words, catching significant moments, and communicating when the customer is most willing to listen and connect.

How moment marketing actually works?

Moment online marketin

Imagine if you created the most attractive, attention-stealing ad campaign for the coming election victory day. Now, what is the use if you release it after the victory day celebration?

Yes, in moment marketing, timing is everything and the core element in it.
Therefore you have to market at the very moment, which is the exact time in order to make an impact on your audience, that’s how you can increase your visibility among them.

If we take one example, we found that marketing messages, ads, and all changed and got modified during the time of the coronavirus pandemic.

We can trace out many reputed companies who were excellent in applying moment marketing principles through their quicky, smart, situation relevant and intelligent ads.

Along with moment marketing, due to the creation and widespread popularity of smartphones and many other gadgets and also the tremendous development of technologies, which resulted in the formation of a new type of marketing, Micro moment marketing.

What is micro-moment marketing? And why does it matter? keep reading to find it.

What is micro-moment marketing?

micro-moment marketing

Google defined micro-moment as “intent rich moments” , and moment marketing occurs when an individual turns to a device to explore, discover, research, and purchase something.

It is during this time customer makes decisions and preferences get shaped.

So why does micro-moments marketing important?

 micro-moments marketing

From a marketer’s point of view, moment marketing is a complete game-changer. Generally, clients aren’t looking for a brand, yet a business, product, or service that satisfies a need.

This change in user intent makes moment marketing more significant than ever. Moment marketing services are made easy with the help of best digital marketing companies.

Let’s see why micro-moment marketing matter most.

Help to capture users attention at the very moment

With micro-moment marketing, you can reach the target audience easily. Not only reach the target audience, but also you have to create catchy and easing knowing messages in order to make awareness among them about valuable things related to you. Always provide them with the information they need to act on their desire in order to buy, discover, learn, or more

Help to build brand awareness

Whether you are a small, mid-sized, or just established firm, you are actually competing with the largest companies. However, through moment marketing you can build brand awareness among your target audience. By building a brand identity among them can help your company to stay top of the mind of the users, which gradually helps you to grow in the respective field.

Simplify the buying process

Through moment marketing, make it easy for consumers to buy something instantly as they search for something needy.

If they got quick results for something they search, it actually simplifies the buying process and they took the decision instantly and it also helps to change from want to go moments to want to buy moments.

Wait, want to go moment and want to buy moment? what is that?

Don’t get confused. They are the type of moment marketing.

So let’s check out the types of moment marketing

 types of moment marketing

Various moments happens when individuals go online on their gadget to look for any data.

➥ Want to know moments-
It is like getting any data at your fingertip. Simply said, if you are watching a movie, but incapable of perceiving the actor. So to find a solution you would google it. That is want to know the moment.

➥ Want to go moments-
People search for having meals, shopping, accessories, and tourist places mostly in nearby places. They get details of locations based places to visit.
Want to do moments-using “how to” people search for recipes, crafts, and many more. Studies show that searches related to “how to” are growing 70% year over year and you need to be there for them. 

➥ Want to buy moments-
Nowadays most people opt for online purchases. They search on different gadgets for various things and can make decisions and sometimes immediately purchase any products.
There are certain reasons why you should resort to moment marketing. Let’s see it.

➥ Help to make your brand stand out in the crowd-
Finding out the real moments and creating an audience capturing ad copies clearly shows the customers what happening in the world at the very moment, which surely gives you an identity as a marketer. Through this, so allow you to stand out among the crowd and to reach more customers thereby increase the chances of customers remembering you or your company as a brand. So always use creative, moment-driven campaigns to grow quickly. 

➥ Fastly reaches the message to the customers-
Moment marketing helps you to engage with customers by providing them very moment results about anything they need. In other words, your message will reach them fastly with 2x impact thus help to have a positive impact among the customers.

➥ Chances of great lead conversions-
The great benefit of moment marketing allows your ad to appear at the very moment to your audience which I already mentioned earlier. As an impact of it, it helps to greater leads conversions as you are showing the ads to the customers who are engaged and actively looking for products and services like yours. So you have more desired benefits from it


If you are no longer satisfied with the usual predictable, standardized campaigns and want to move away from generic messaging to reach your customers, consider using moment marketing to build effective and memorable communication with customers about popular events and topics on-trend.

What are you waiting for? Implement moment marketing and see the result for yourself.

If you cant do it by yourself, you can approach for a digital marketing consultant in kerala, where you get guidance to the right path.

Also do read our latest blog why online marketing automation is the next digital marketing future and comment your opinions.

Tell us your thoughts about this post on moment marketing and leave more about moment marketing in the comment section.

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