what does the term sandbox mean in SEO?
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By  Shahnaz |  Date  :  21-November-2022

    Home > Blog > What does the term sandbox mean in Seo

 what does the term sandbox mean in SEO

Bam! You might be sinking down. Your website might get stuck with google sandbox . Are you pondering over what is google sandbox and what the term sandbox means in SEO?
I got you! You are all covered with answers.


Not having enough knowledge of google sandbox isn’t a new thing. Trust me I have never heard of it either until I just got sunk into it.

I will guide you through each and every step I have overcome through this crisis step by step.

It is through their stunning marketing strategies that Nykaa achieved this level of popularity and success in the Indian market.

In this article, you will read a detailed Nykaa case study and its digital marketing strategies.


This is a nightmare for every website where your website gets possessed and sunk down to the bottom level for several months which I felt as ages.

This is a kind of probation period where Google evaluates you and considers the relevance of your page by putting certain restrictions

This will suffocate you by being unable to breathe and move and gradually it’s just like being trapped.

Although the term isn’t acknowledged by google, the phenomenon and process are similar to this. Just they don’t like bragging.


Google has never acknowledged that it has a sandbox. For one some of the consequences of the sandbox are logical for a new website.
A new website will not have the same amount of authority as older websites do It’s likely that new sites will have to wait for a certain period of time before they are able to get a high ranking.
Google states that the reason why new sites aren’t ranked as highly is due to a couple of other factors.

  • High Competition There’s a large quantity of competition for certain keywords and industry sectors but your site does not have the authority to stand out from these competitors.


  • Insufficient Content: Your newly-launched site isn’t equipped with the quantity of content that larger websites have, which means there’s not as much potential to draw natural traffic.

  • Not enough Backlinks: Backlinks are an essential element of building authority within the Google algorithm. New websites won’t have as many when they’re first launched.


  • Zero User Signs User signals or the actions users do, like clicking on or bouncing off pages, are also incorporated into the algorithm. Additionally, new websites do not have enough user-generated signals to be ranked highly on search result pages.

However, some marketers have observed that certain keywords, with low competition and even the individual page names of new websites, aren’t showing up when a site is in the initial few months after its launch even after it has been indexed.
Many think that, even though Sandboxes haven’t been officially acknowledged by Google but it’s still there.



Google trusts old pages very much and they don’t give a damn even though your SEO skill is high grade and how well you have tried maintaining your new website.

New websites fail to rank in SERPs and you won’t be positioned high because the google sandbox prevents you as a precautionary method.

The authenticity of the website is considered an old page. The older the page, the more authentic you are and they get higher chances of going up and the newbie gets pushed down.

So what does the term sandbox mean in SEO and how to identify it can be figured below.

How to identify if you are sandboxed?


Since the existence is not recognized by google we really don’t have the exact tool to identify it. Perhaps we can use the analytics to find whether we are trapped and are sucked in.

When was this crisis marked? 

Seriously there should be someone who has first identified this process. Remarkably this phenomenon occurred in 2004. Feeling old enough to know this? 

The SEO expert and Website creators understood that how much they have indexed their new website it’s difficult for them to rank.

They even tried the low search volume keywords to be ranked but the results were heartbreaking. 16 years have passed and there has been no change since then. 

Many experts believe that this is to introduce high-quality content from trustworthy sites and avoid spamming. 

To improve your SEO performance and planning SEO too is an important criterion not to be missed.

Coming back to the analytics, the identification of sandboxes can be confirmed with passive low growth of traffic to a higher jump of traffic after a certain amount of time when you have given your full SEO into this.




I would like to tell you about another phenomenon of google sandbox, which is the honeymoon period.

This will give you a splash of traffic and goes back to the same dead traffic. Gradually the destination period of google sandbox is approximately 6-8 months. This will continue till it rises in a natural way. 

Correlating the ranking dynamics with the traffic spike and drops helps you understand if you are in a sandbox period or not.

Not to mention the old domain too would get sucked into this phenomenon.

The longer the inactive period after a great SEO optimization will quickly get its attention and take you in a gulp.

The number one criterion should be Indexing.

You should properly index your website and from that moment onwards google will decide your age. 

The faster indexing, the sooner chances of not falling into the sandbox by continuous SEO specializing. 

Rankmath SEO the ultimate SEO plugin is one of the tools which can be used for specializing in SEO.

The next criterion should be taking the penalty checker. Wondering over which penalty is bothering you, there are two types of penalties, manual penalty and algorithmic. 

The manual penalties will be imposed by google employees and algorithmic will be by google bots who fine you all over the way. 

The manual penalty will be notified by google whereas the algorithmic penalty has to be found by learning the latest update and where the traffic has dropped. 

And then you will have to wait till doing the update and recrawl through the site again.

Social signals are another way of promoting your website by constant engagement through social platforms and connecting it with your site boosts your engagement.

Driving this traffic won’t disappoint you in any way as there are plenty of options in boosting it either through ad promotion or organic growth 

Focus on content and why other sites are ranking higher. Probably because of the high-quality content they produce.

Once the quality of the content increases the sooner you may fall out of the trap.

Site authority is another aspect where you have to concentrate.

Using authentic internal links, backlinks, and mentions from high-ranking pages increases the chances.

Follow step by step as google might find the sudden increase of backlinks suspicious.

Buying an active domain is the easiest method of launching a website as the domain is already well established and helps in refurbishing according to your needs


A better SEO campaign doesn’t guarantee your positioning. The website should be trustworthy and have great authority over the page and the right keywords.

  1. The high competition 
  2. Lack of content ‘
  3. Absence of quality backlinks 
  4. Lack of user signals 

Might have been the reason behind the sandbox effect. With recent research, I found that IBM sandBox enables a security precaution in the database which needs much more depth knowledge. 

Breaking down why you aren’t ranking can be quite easier once you surpass this level.

The high competition in the market demands organic growth. Focusing on less competitive keywords with lesser keyword difficulty will boost your site organically and determine the quality of your content which will result in reducing the sandbox period with this google algorithm.


Lack of content can be another possible reason. That is once you publish your page you might need to put in effort in building in content without falling back as the moment google finds it lacks content it puts you on a probation period.


Another reason to pull you down is the absence of quality backlinks. The mismatching backlink and no quality content to the backlink sink you down too.

So as the content grows, the quality of matching backlinks has to grow simultaneously. Probably you might have understood how the google sandbox works and what does the term sandbox mean in SEO.

Improving the health of a website is a vital part of SEO and how to do an SEO audit for website step by step is essential for google sandbox analysis.


Google records user engagements. The lack of user signals determines the google algorithm to be insufficient.

In that case, once the audience engagement rises the search engine analyses the bounce rate, user data, and click-through rate. 



 I survived, and so can you! This is not the end if you are stuck or you are wondering about passive traffic analytics. This too shall pass and your website will soar into the sky with immense traffic if we follow the algorithm and build the domain strongly.

The Google Sandbox effect is available to any new domain. But it doesn’t mean you’re required to stay in the box for too long.
You can escape the Sandbox fast by:​​​​​​​​ In the method of being indexed by Google  

  • Optimizing your website
  • Social signals are growing
  • The credibility of your website​​​​​​​​

Also, remember:
The best method to avoid Google sandbox is to prevent it altogether by buying an expired domain and not a brand-new one.

If you’re not sure if you’ve chosen an existing domain and you’re not sure where to start, here’s where you should begin!

Make use of Spamzilla as well as the Domain Hunter Finder to locate the best-expired domain bargain. Purchase an old premium domain at ODYS.

This is the quickest method to have your brand-new site on top of the SERPs.
The sandbox may be an actual filter within the algorithm or is an element of Google’s unwillingness to endorse websites that are not authentic, the fact is that the exact same thing: new websites will be unable to rank.

Remember google can test you not destroy you. For any further assistance, we can help you at any time.




By  Shahnaz |  Date  :  23-November-2022

    Home > Blog > Sem to you

Sem to you

Breaking down the SEM to you in one minute is no joke. As the name suggests, Search engine marketing is the advertisement that appears on search engine pages but which is paid.

SEM powers the advertisers to place their ads ahead of impelled customers who are ready to build an acquisition at the right moment. 

The Advertisers bid on keywords that users of services for certain products or services, which gives the advertiser the opportunity for their ads to appear alongside results for those search queries. That is this gives the opportunity to a new advertiser to be on the visible range and benefits with the traffic which is the same as a proclaimed website.



The term “search engine marketing” refers to the process of promoting a company using paid ads that are displayed on search engine result webpages (or SERPs). Advertisers compete for the keywords that people using websites like Google and Bing may type in when searching for certain services or products that give advertisers the chance to have their advertisements to be displayed alongside results for these search terms.

They are often referred to by the name pay-per-click advertisements and can be found in various styles. They can be text-based, small advertisements, while others, like the listings of products (PLAs which are also referred to as shopping ads), can be seen as more graphic products-based ads that permit consumers to view important information at a glance including reviews and price.

The most effective feature of search engine marketing is it provides advertisers with the possibility of placing their advertisements in front of interested customers who are eager to buy at the exact moment that they’re ready for purchase. There is no other medium of advertising that can accomplish this, and that’s the reason the use of search engine marketing is extremely effective and an incredible way to expand your business.


SEO vs SEM How do you tell the differences?

The term “search engine marketing” generally “search engine marketing” refers to paid marketing, a process where companies pay Google to display their ads in the results of searches.

SEO also known as search engine Optimisation is distinct since businesses don’t pay Google for clicks or traffic instead, they earn an unpaid spot in the results of a search by providing top-quality content to the keyword searched for.

Each SEO and SEM is an essential component of your online marketing strategy. SEO can be a great way to generate evergreen traffic towards the highest point of the funnel, and search engine ads can be a cost-effective means to boost conversions at the lower end of your funnel.


The common name for SEM IS PAY PER CLICK AD and these come in various formats 

A few can be listed as small, text-based ads, whereas others, such as product listing ads (PLA), also known as Shopping ads are more visual. Product-based advertisements allow consumers to see important information at-a-glance in the visible range, such as price and reviews.

The suitable format can be discussed if you wish to know more with us(link contact ).

The range of SEM can be classified below 

  1. PPC/CPC
  2. Retargeting
  3. Geotargeting
  4. Mobile search advertising
  5. Enhanced campaigns
  6. AdWords
  7. Bing Ads
  8. Google Shopping for E-commerce – PLA(Product Listing Ads)
  9. Youtube (Video search ads)
  10.  Amazon Ads

If you could ask, can you explain what SEM enables you to do?Simply this can be answered as All these enable higher traffic to your Website through SEM if it goes through the right process and no money is getting drained unnecessarily as the right audience is targeted every time.

SEM is a highly cost-effective way to drive conversions at the bottom of the funnel and should be considered the fundamental part of online marketing.

Search engine promoting includes all the tools, techniques, and methods that facilitate optimizing the visibility of internet sites and web content in search engines like Google and different, similar sites.

These squares measure 2 main ways to indicate up at the highest of the result.

Organic or natural results squares measure sometimes displayed within the center of the page and square measures elect by Google’s algorithmic program. This algorithmic program assesses the connectedness of the website (the quality of the content and to what extent it responds to a particular search) and also the authority of the website (links from different pages).
Paid results are displayed at the highest of the page however in a very column on the proper. In contrast to organic results, here the publicizer should pay an explicit quantity for every click on their ad. to shop for advertising areas on search engines, it’s necessary to use platforms like Google Ads.

In theory, program promotion covers each sort of result. However in observing techniques that square measure geared toward up organic positioning fall under the class of SEO and techniques that square measure geared toward showing among the paid results square measure categorized as SEM. To avoid confusion, we are going to use the term SEM or program promoting just for the latter.

Therefore, a program promotion consists of a series of tools, techniques, and methods geared toward optimizing program advertising, showing within the prime positions, obtaining lower prices per click, and maximizing conversions from these ads.

The foremost documented and widely used SEM platform is Google Ads, however, there square measure different solutions, like Bing Ads, for example.



Search engine marketing has become a crucial part of any marketing strategy. It is the most powerful form of online advertising because it gives you access to potential customers that are looking for your product or service.

The foundation of SEM can be considered as KEYWORD. Keywords form the basis of search engine marketing as an advertising strategy as users enter keywords (as part of search queries) into search engines to find what they’re looking for.

The optimal benefit of search engine marketing is that it is a worthy solution for companies of all sizes since the least investment is very economical. Simultaneously, if your brand is soaring, you can increase the investment and complexity of your campaigns to keep your momentum. Also, since you get results only for the paid amount (in the form of clicks), you can be sure that your budget is used efficiently. 

Using the right tool to identify keywords that are relevant to your business and to the perspective of customers is likely to be used when searching for your products and services is another way of accomplishment.

The sem to you photo can be viewed below the attachments where the comparisons of how SEM affects your brands are displayed.

Some keywords tend to have high commercial intent or a strong indication that the searcher wants to buy something and the purpose of this is to drive a greater volume of influx to your site, which you can then convert.

In addition to serving to you discover keywords you ought to be bidding on, thorough keyword analysis may also assist you to establish negative keywords – search terms that you simply ought to exclude from your campaigns.

Negative keywords aren’t terms with negative connotations, however, rather unsuitable terms that area unit is extremely unlikely to lead to conversions. for instance, if you sell frozen desserts, you would possibly wish to exclude the keyword “ice cream recipes”, as users checking out frozen dessert recipes area unit unlikely to be within the marketplace for your product.

This concept is understood as search intent or the probability that a break can complete an acquisition or different desired action when checking out a given term. Some keywords are units thought of to own high business intent, or a robust indication that the searcher needs to shop for one thing. samples of high business intent keywords include:

  • Buy Discount(s)
  • Deal(s)
  • Coupon(s)
  • Free shipping

Why SEM 2 you?


One of the encountered misconceptions about search engine marketing is that whoever has the largest advertising budget wins. The advantageous part of larger advertising is high, especially when concentrating on highly competitive keywords, in search engine marketing success is far from the requirement. This is because all ads go through a process known as the ad auction before appearing alongside search results

The more customers flocks in as the only customers who have searched for your product are seeing your ad. The audience range is from local to Global- its vast With segmentation and personalization of your ad, you can reach your target audience. When we initiate from the scratch it’s actually giving a large exposure to the brand as a brand awareness  The return on Investment is another absolute criteria SEM could offer which guarantees your money is never diminished and you get the result for what you have paid for. Thus sem 2 you open the window to a great fortune of the sea of opportunity.

SEM consists of a series of tools, techniques, and strategies aimed at optimizing search engine advertising, appearing in the top positions, getting lower costs per click, and maximizing conversions from these ads.


What is the full form of SEM? Do you think the name justifies full form? Ominously, Yes! Search Engine Marketing Generates traffic organically and can be a very long and tedious process where the results are only seen in the long term. Search engine marketing allows you to accelerate this process and get users to your website from the beginning. In addition, you can be assured that these users are interested in what you offer, since they themselves have searched for it. The three major factors affecting your SEM are choosing the right keyword, alluring Ads and promising landing pages. Search engine marketing or SEM has great potential to help companies achieve their goals in a quick and scalable way. To get the most out of it, it is ideal to have experts who have extensive experience positioning brands in Google. If you want to take advantage of all the benefits of search engine marketing for your brand, get in touch with us  



By  Nithin Prakash |  Date  :  14 – November – 2022

    Home > Blog > Top 8 Whatsapp marketing services

whatsapp marketing services

In today’s age of the internet, an increasing number of people are using messaging apps like WhatsApp for communication.

With the rise in popularity, a lot of businesses are trying to see how they can tap into the market.

WhatsApp marketing services are the latest trend and are quickly becoming the most popular way for businesses to reach their customers.

But a lot of people don’t have any idea about WhatsApp marketing. For better knowledge about WhatsApp marketing, you need to learn it from the best digital marketing trainer

So how does this all work?
Maybe you are considering getting a WhatsApp marketing service and you want to know what to expect.

This blog will answer all your questions.

The blog also looks at some of the most frequently asked questions people have about WhatsApp marketing services.


Whatsapp marketing is a digital marketing strategy that aims to increase awareness, generate leads, and increase business.

This is perhaps why the popularity of the app has been growing tremendously.

With the use of WhatsApp, marketers can conveniently reach out to their target audience using the platform that they’re most comfortable in at the right time in the right format.

You can join the best social media marketing course in India if you wish to learn more about WhatsApp marketing.


whatsapp marketing services

WhatsApp marketing services are one of the important ways how businesses use social media to connect with customers. It is a fantastic chance to enhance your marketing plan.

When you use WhatsApp to promote your business, there are four main benefits:

1. Deep relationships with customers:- Whatsapp offers businesses a wide range of customisation options right out of the box.

Sending personalised welcome messages, exclusive offers, birthday greetings, and other communications is possible.

Most of the customers claim that they only interact with brands through individualised marketing communications.

Therefore this strategy keeps customers more engaged in a company.

2. High conversion rate:- It’s very essential to pick the right platform for your first interactions with customers.

When contacted via phone calls rather than email or social media, customers may get frustrated.

WhatsApp might help your potential customers to make a purchase.

Businesses claim that half of the WhatsApp marketing messages were responded to by their customers.

And even better, messaging encourages conversions.

Messages sent to prospects after the first contact can raise the conversion rate by more than 100%.

3. Bigger sales:- WhatsApp marketing acts as a kind of sales magic wand.

Including a WhatsApp phone number on your website could generate more quality leads for sales, and increase website traffic. You can check website traffic free by using some tools.

Some customers have trust in companies or their products only because they communicate with them through WhatsApp messages.

A lot of people are more likely to make a purchase from a business if it is active on WhatsApp messengers.

4. Affordable cost:- WhatsApp continues to be a very cost-effective marketing medium, which attracts small businesses to this platform.

Installing WhatsApp on your mobile and connecting to the Internet is all that is needed to get started.

The chances of reaching your WhatsApp SMS marketing messages to the customer are extremely high.

WhatsApp marketing increases conversions, boost revenues, enables you to create long-lasting, high-quality relationships with your clients, and costs next to nothing to implement.


Whatsapp marketing services

Whatsapp marketing services are a great way to get your business off the ground.

The best part is that it’s easy to set up and costs nothing.

The best part is that it allows you to reach out to customers who are in need of your services without having to pay for advertising.

We would like to share some tips for improving your WhatsApp marketing services, they are:

1. Build Broadcast lists:- Create lists for certain topics, then send out one-way messages to encourage involvement.

For instance, in communication, include links or invitations.

2. Utilize group chats:- All group participants can respond to group messages, which are distributed to all group members.

When running focus groups, is extremely helpful or conducting market research before launching a product.

3. Experience Free messaging:- You can send and receive messages for free using WhatsApp.

The iPhone, android, blackberry, windows and Nokia platforms all support it.

Because WhatsApp messenger utilises the same data plan as you do for email and web surfing, they all can communicate with one another.

Users can form groups and exchange a limitless number of videos, voice messages, and photographs for added value.

Whatsapp can easily cross international borders if you’re attempting to reach a global audience.

4. Set next-level customer support:- WhatsApp is compatible with desktop devices even though it was created for mobile ones.

Therefore, you can use it in conjunction with other desktop programmes to give powerful customer support, your clients can get in touch with you directly and you can respond right away.

5. Uphold high-quality content:- Make your texts short and impactful because texting is WhatsApp’s primary function.

But don’t stress yourself out over the length.

You are not limited to a specific character length as other platforms.

6. Know your audience:- Make each word matter.

You won’t see much if any, interaction if your writing style and word selections don’t connect with your audience.

7. Beware of the opt-out option:- Remember that the consumers can easily choose not to receive notifications. You could quickly fade into obscurity.

Therefore, be careful to remain interesting and relevant.




Whatsapp marketing services

 Whatsapp marketing is very effective in getting your message to the right people at the right time in the right format.

It’s also crucial in helping you grow your business.

With this in mind, here are a few FAQs on WhatsApp marketing services.

1. What is Whatsapp marketing services?

Whatsapp marketing is the most recent marketing strategy that allows you to use one of the most widely used social media platforms, Whatsapp, to send messages and conversations connected to your brand.

2. Why should I choose WhatsApp marketing services?

Of course, the fact that Whatsapp is the most widely used messaging software and that users are constantly checking their chat boxes therein is one of the causes.

As a result, there is a lot better probability that they will read your messages, particularly if the client is interested in your business.

Additionally, you may check on Whatsapp to see if the recipient of your message actually read it.

3. How do I get my customers to read my messages instead of ignoring them?

Another benefit of WhatsApp marketing messages is you can be as inventive as you like with your messages.

In order to make your potential customers, you might use GIFs or images in your messages.

A message with good design will always draw readers.

4. How will it benefit my company?

You can send messages about your goods and services, as well as deals, promotions, and other business-related information.

Direct communication with your clients will benefit both of you.

Additionally, you will be able to monitor customer behaviour and response through this.

5. What are the main reasons to use Whatsapp marketing services?

  • Free of cost
  • Files can be sent using it.
  • You will get customer reviews directly.
  • Meetings and group discussions are possible
  • You can send notifications about upcoming events and sales
  • Messages won’t be missed

6. How to create a Whatsapp business account?

To begin using a WhatsApp Business app for WhatsApp marketing, you must first have a distinct phone number registered in the nation where you want to reach your target market.

You may share your location, email, and website, and establish a business catalogue with a description of your business using the free WhatsApp Business app for Android and iOS, which you can also customise with your company profile.

Similar to a regular WhatsApp account, you can use the WhatsApp Business app to send and receive messages from clients one-on-one or to WhatsApp groups where you have been added or are an admin.

Your business account can interact with clients around-the-clock and respond to their inquiries by setting up automated responses or even a WhatsApp chatbot.

The Facebook Business page verification step is one that must be completed in order to set up a WhatsApp Business account.

Additionally, some apps need API access to send WhatsApp messages to a list of phone numbers. In this situation, WhatsApp and their registered partner who links you to the WhatsApp Business API will demand that you validate your Facebook Business page and complete a few more procedures in order to activate your WhatsApp for Business Account (WABA).

7. What is bulk WhatsApp marketing software?

It is a solution that helps your company to manage your whole WhatsApp Marketing plan, including sending bulk messages to your customers without having to save their contact information.

You can send interesting messages that include text, photographs, documents, and videos using this application by using a bulk WhatsApp service provider.

8. Name the top 10 bulk WhatsApp marketing software 

  • Whatso
  • WATI
  • Twilio
  • WAAM-it
  • Vepaar
  • Rapid Planner
  • Viking
  • WhatSender
  • WappBlaster
  • Rapbooster


It seems like the number of people using WhatsApp is increasing day by day.

There are now over a billion users around the world who are using this application for messaging and voice calling.

More and more people are discovering the power of WhatsApp marketing services and we wanted to share with you some of the questions on WhatsApp marketing that we’re frequently asked by people who are looking for a way to grow their business using WhatsApp.

We believe that we are the best social media marketing company in Kerala that provide Whatsapp marketing services and our academy offers the best social media marketing course in Kerala.

If you are interested in learning WhatsApp marketing, you can contact us.

If you have any questions or need more information about our services, please visit our website. In the meantime, we would love to hear from you and your feedback is always welcomed.




By  Nithin Prakash |  Date  :  14 – November – 2022

    Home > Blog >smo tools

smo tools

Everyone knows that SMO stands for social media optimization.

It optimizes your social media accounts to get maximum exposure, reach and impact. Sharing your content with the right networks at the right time can help you get the most out of your marketing activities.

There are a lot of SMO tools, apps and tactics you can use to help make your social media presence better and help you better connect with your customers and potential customers.

This blog will help you get to grips with the top 10 SMO tools you need to know.

For those who have yet to learn about social media marketing and social media optimization, its strategies, and tools for SMO, you can contact us for the best social media marketing course in India. And we will give a brief idea about the same.


Businesses are encouraged by social media optimization(SMO) to analyze, track, and improve their content to comply with social media quality standards. That’s how businesses use social media to connect with customers.

SMO links your website to your social presence, i.e. your LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or whatever profiles you have, increasing your online visibility and offering your audience more opportunities to engage with you.

When done correctly, SMO maintains your brand messaging among all networks, raises the search engine rankings of your website, enhances traffic from social media and organic search, and increases public knowledge of you and your business.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been the norm for digital marketing initiatives for a long time.

SEO for business is the process of boosting the quality and quantity of web traffic by raising a website or web page’s accessibility to a web-based search engine, especially Google.

Social media optimisation and search engine optimization share similar objectives—to produce web traffic and increase visibility for a company’s website.


smo tools

A brand’s presence on social media may appear simple to the casual observer, but there is a lot of work that is done in the background to make a guarantee that social media profiles are utilized as successfully as possible.

Some important strategies for SMO are:-

1. Content strategy:- Keep your individuality and personality on social media. Use your imagination and skills. To make your business stand out, select a compelling and unique voice. By thinking creatively, produce content that generates feelings and reactions from your audience. It’s simple to attract people’s attention when you create content that resonates with the public, regardless of your brand.

2. Optimizing your social media account:- Make a visually appealing social media profile to get more views, likes and shares. Text and colour choices must harmonise with the profile and create a mood that evokes strong feelings. Make eye-catching, highly visually attractive content by using an image creation tool.

3. Include social media badges to your site:- Search engine crawlers are more capable of learning as much about your website when you provide links to your social media content on your web pages. Produce top-notch content and link to authoritative external sites using it. Make sure your themes encourage individuals to spread your content more quickly. This makes it simple for people to share your content on several networks. Everyone is active on social media. People can more readily share the content by just tapping the social networking symbol on your website.

4. Collaboration with influencers:- You may build connections with influencers and raise your company’s profile. Increased traffic, views, and followers will result from social media influencers sharing your content.

5. Use the best SMO tools:- To support you in your social media optimization efforts, you will need the best SMO tools. Hubspot, Canva, Buffer, Marketo, and Salesforce are some examples of SMO tools.


smo tools

Optimizing your social media is crucial for expanding your online presence. It takes a lot of work to optimize social media, which is why many individuals choose to use tools for SMO and SMM tools.

You may reach millions of people by customizing your social media profiles in a variety of ways. Some of the best SMO tools for optimising your social media are listed below:


Buffer is an all SMO tool that enables you to schedule and publishes content right through its user interface.

Buffer allows you to manage all your clients or your own social media platform from a single dashboard.

It allows you to schedule specific posts and the scheduled updates appear in the platform and Buffer at the specified time.

Additionally, you can schedule reminders via Buffer to post photos to Instagram at ideal times. Leverage your most active time with Buffer by creating unique and personalized social media calendars for each social media profile.

It will assign social mentions a priority so that you can respond to the most important ones first.


An effective SMO tool for tracking hashtags and other keywords on Twitter.

It enables marketers to create lists of leads for the analysis, organization, and tracking of industry trends that aid in making prompt, efficient, and result-driven decisions.

Hootsuite efficiently reduces the effort of marketers by managing their Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, and WordPress accounts.

You can monitor the issues your leads are having, and Marketers may keep track of as many hashtags and keyphrases as they wish by using this SMO tool.

It gives you a competitive analysis to make your sales pitch relevant to your lead.

Hootsuite provides marketers with expert administration of all social media channels at reasonable and competitive costs.


Using categories such as videos, interviews, guest articles, giveaways, and more, BuzzSumo enables you to discover the most famous content and share pertinent content.

Additionally, it’s an excellent method to find trending subjects and learn how many social shares each article receives on sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Using BuzzSumo, you can keep tabs on your top competitors and clearly understand the kinds of content that connect with your readers and the pieces that receive the most social media shares.

It’s a terrific choice if you want to discover fresh concepts for your content marketing efforts and identify key influencers in your industry who may increase traffic to your website and brand recognition.


Mailchimp is an excellent way to use email marketing if you’re familiar with the word.

It offers a fantastic newsletter service that can work wonders for establishing your web presence.

This SMO tool is an excellent place to launch an efficient campaign of email marketing for your social media accounts because it is believed that it sells around 4 billion emails each month.

Additionally, it maintains all of your emails and offers fast support for any problems you could encounter when transferring emails.

You have the opportunity to target your email marketing efforts right now to draw customers to your company. So, Mailchimp helps to increase the scope of email marketing as a career in the digital marketing world.


Hubspot can be a great option if you enjoy monitoring and analyzing every action that takes place on social media platforms.

A smart technique to track and analyze the actions that interest you is to use the engaged contact tool to track leads.
To help you understand the market better, it also displays tweets and Facebook updates.

Hubspot is becoming increasingly well-known in the modern world thanks to a strong network of users who regard it as a beneficial SMO tool.


Google Analytics is the best SMO tool for everyone who manages websites or blogs or has a website or blog.

It is a free SMO tool that provides accurate information about conversions on your websites and properly measures the efficacy of social media marketing activities.

It informs marketers about the number of clicks on their site, the actual visitors, where they came from, how long they stayed, and other specifics like how likely they will become customers.


All agree that content with images is much more appealing than content with words.

Anyone who wishes to improve their social media profiles must be aware that adorable designs and images can significantly influence people’s thinking.

Canva offers countless cutting-edge templates that you can use to generate stunning visual content for your Facebook post ideas, Instagram posts, and other social media accounts.

Now that each template includes pre-set SMO tool measurements choosing a template is quite simple.

Most of the photographs on this website are free, but you might have to pay as little as $1 for them, which is one of its most beautiful features.

This platform may be the perfect option if you enjoy social media graphics.


CoSchedule is an easy, integrated calendar for posting to social media and blogs.

It also comes with tools for SMO, organizing content, work, and brand assets. You should plan out your blog entries, coordinate with several authors, and delegate particular duties to various persons.

Additionally, it includes a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. You can monitor the most popular and well-liked articles in the calendar view.


Edocr may generate buzz and draw attention to your material. It is a free SMO tool that enables companies to share content, improve SEO, and create leads.

You may sell your documents and make money with Edocr, create leads with quality content, improve the SMO of your content, install a doc viewer on your site, and share files with a new audience, among other advantages.

In addition to generating leads and boosting SEO, it aids brand development.

It only requires registering for an account and developing a profile to start. Upload your document and make use of Edocr’s advantages.


Being among the best SMO tools, it enables users to manage many social media accounts from a single location.

It not only offers a thorough study of social media networks but also tools for moderating.

If you know the current trend, you can take over the market with the newest products.

It can assess and provide a detailed report of social media trends over time.

Although pricey in contrast to other SMO Tools, it might be quite helpful if you want to attain the most remarkable results.


We hope you enjoyed our blog post about the top 10 SMO tools you need to know.

Our blog is designed to help you stay on top of what is happening in the social media optimization space.

Managing many social media debts for a business may be easier than you think with these alluring social media optimization tools.

The leaders in this industry understand the importance of staying on top of the latest tools and technology, which is why we created this blog post for you!

If you are interested in learning more about social media marketing, we are offering the best social media marketing course in Kerala.

We would love to hear your thoughts, questions, and comments! So give it a shot and let us know which tool best serves you.




By  Gayathri |  Date  :  14 – November – 2022

    Home > Blog > Flipkart Case Study

Flipkart Case Study

In 2007, Sachin and Binny Bansal started a small online bookstore. They called it Flipkart. More than a decade later, Flipkart is India’s most valuable e-commerce startup. But how did they do this? What is the Flipkart marketing strategy that helped in their success? What is the business model of Flipkart? 

Let’s dive into the Flipkart case study to find the secrets to its success.

History of Flipkart

Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce company headquartered in Bengaluru, India. The company was founded in 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal.Sachin and Binny initially intended for Flipkart to be a comparison-shopping website like many e-commerce websites that started between 1999-2006.

At first, they planned to create a website that would help users compare product prices across different e-commerce platforms. But they started to look more closely at the e-commerce options in India and realized that these websites were terrible.

The UI was amateur, the UX was frustrating, and the products were disappointing. And in light of this realization, Sachin and benny ended up pivoting. Instead of launching a comparison shopping website, they found a shopping website- an e-commerce platform.

Now, if you head over to Flipkart today, you will find hundreds of categories of things you can buy. 

But you might be surprised to know that this isn’t new. In December 2007, less than two months after launching their website, the founders furnished Flipkart with over 400 categories.

But unlike today, where these are like electronics, appliances, men’s and women’s fashion, furniture, sports equipment and medical supplies, back in 2007, these were categories like nonfiction, history, biographies and memoirs, religion and spirituality and fiction.

The Flipkart of 2007 was an online book store. But it wasn’t the first. There were plenty of other online bookstores in India at the time. After becoming a leading online bookstore flush with funds, Flipkart expands into the electronic category by introducing mobiles.

It was later expanded to other categories like fashion, home appliances, groceries and lifestyle products. However, the startup had to build trust among its customers in online shopping by providing them with the option of Cash on Delivery and a return policy. 

Target Audience of Flipkart

The majority of the target audience is in the age group between 16 and 55. It focuses on those looking for variety and want to enjoy stress-free shopping at home. Flipkart is a site for anyone who browses the internet and needs more time for shopping. 

The business model of Flipkart

Flipkart operates with the basis of B2C (Business to Consumer Model), which includes customer relationship management and supply chain & advertisement. In the initial phases, it sold books and other products using a direct-to-consumer model. 

Then, it evolved into an online marketplace model that connects sellers and buyers and expands its catalog. Flipkart has more than 70 to 80 categories. 

It permits sellers to market their goods with attractive discounts to their customers who wish to purchase them. The sellers might have reached customers with the help of the platform offered by Flipkart. 

To make this transaction easier and to deliver the order, Flipkart charges a varying amount of commission for the vendor.

Other revenue sources for Flipkart are Seller commissions, Convenience charges and advertisements.

Flipkart earned INR 24,500 crore in revenue in 2022. Its Big Billion Days, which are in operation during festive times, can also be a significant source of income for the company. This is the business model of Flipkart that helped to reach success of the organization.

Flipkart marketing strategy

Flipkart marketing strategy is comprehensive and reach targeted audiences through this. Nowadays, everyone uses smartphones and the internet. So digital marketing strategies are beneficial for Flipkart to reach their customers and increase sales.  

Let’s discuss about Flipkart marketing strategy.

Flipkart’s SEO strategy

Flipkart, the biggest internet retailer in India, has been working hard to improve its website to be ranked on search engines. The Flipkart have a strong SEO for business that helped to achieve the success.  When someone is searching for an item on the internet, Flipkart appears among the first two results. Flipkart marketing strategy on SEO played crucial role in flipkart success story.

It’s possible because Flipkart made a great effort to do its SEO. 

As per SEMrush, a keyword tool, the domain overview of Flipkart is given below.

The authority score of this website is 80, their organic search traffic per month is 234 million, and the number of backlinks to their website is around 85.1 million.

Flipkart’s website has good authority and organic search traffic on the internet. The process of obtaining such a large number is challenging, which makes it essential for marketers to gain a lot from the strategies of Flipkart and optimize the website. 

These are the Flipkart marketing strategy that gained success.

  • Flipkart’s search engine optimization strategies aim to create a mobile-friendly and user-friendly website.
  • The Flipkart SEO strategy is based on longer-tail keywords or phrases instead of one word to ensure that the right people are exposed to their ads. And they also did an effective keyword research to implement the SEO strategy.
  • Flipkart examines customers’ most frequently asked questions and selects the most popular keywords for their website URL. They also used proper google ranking factors on their website.
  • The speed of the website is a crucial element of Flipkart. The health of your SEO depends upon the speed of your website. The percentage of people who leave your website dramatically increases for each additional 0.5 seconds it takes to do.
  • Backlinks also played a crucial role in high authority of the Flipkart’s website. you can also create backlinks for your organization’s website to maintain a good authority score.

Flipkart on Instagram 

Flipkart has 3.3million users on its Instagram page and shared 4206 posts up to date (as on November 2022).On average, they post 2 to 3 Instagram posts daily.

Flipkart’s Instagram content is mainly designed to engage customers. It includes posts, reels and videos about their products. But they don’t sell products directly through Instagram. 

Flipkart on Facebook 

Flipkart usually uses its Facebook page to increase connections with its customers. It also uses Facebook to attract customers through promotions of its offers and deals.

Flipkart’s Facebook page has 9,817,200 likes and 10,220,935 followers. 

They post different content daily, like seasonal events, holidays and birthdays. They organize competitions and games to engage customers on their page. 

They also have a designed customer support tab. Engagement and acquisition of customers are the ultimate focus of Flipkart. Facebook is a platform were, business use social media to connect with customers. You can also use the best Facebook marketing tips to promote your e-commerce business.

Flipkart on Twitter

Flipkart has 2.8 million followers on its Twitter page. They update their Twitter page with videos and photos of new items, deals and sales.

On average, 2 to 3 new products are introduced or launched daily.

There is a unique support channel for customers. This is the another flipkart marketing strategy. Twenty-four hours of customer service is another essential feature of Flipkart. The query will be answered in real-time.  

Competitors of Flipkart


Amazon is the largest e-commerce store for online shopping. It provides a variety of products and services. Amazon is recognized as the most popular internet retailer in the US, earning net sales of around $502.191 billion in 2022.

A large portion of its revenue comes through the sale of electronics. Amazon is also among the most popular brands, with more than 400 million customers who have active accounts.

The company currently has more than 1,298,000 employees across the globe. Amazon is the most potent competitor of Flipkart in India.


Snapdeal is another competitor of Flipkart. It was established in 2010 and has grown to be one of the largest online retailers in India.

They sell their products to various locations across the country. It offers a broader range of goods estimated to be in excess of 35 million sourced from more than 125,000 retail stores and local and international brands. 


Alibaba is a big company offering online shopping services across the country. It was started in 1999 as a primary B2B online shopping site. However, it transformed into the most comprehensive online shopping portal in Asia. Now it offers C2C, B2B and B2C online services. The total amount of revenue this company generated in 2022 is estimated to be approximately $126.13 billion.

It is the most prominent online retailer within Asia and extends its reach to other regions of the globe. Alibaba employs more than 245,700 people to aid in the various processes involved in the buying and selling of multiple products through Alibaba’s platform. Surprisingly, Alibaba has taken on a record time, the equivalent of 812 million daily orders over 2017. 


Myntra is another competitor of Flipkart. Myntra is an online marketplace that offers a broad collection of clothing products. It was established in 2007 to serve the primary purpose of customizing different kinds of gifts, particularly those connected to fashion. About three years later, myntra decided to change its direction. Then began to start selling clothing items with the brand name. Amazon began to enter the India marketplace in 2013, and it was a significant challenge for local online stores. 

This situation led to the decision of myntra to join Flipkart in 2014 in the hope of combating the competition with amazon.


The Flipkart success story is evidence of using a site to promote its products and brands. Flipkart uses different strategies and unique business model of Flipkart helped to engage customers across all social media platforms.   

Do you want to implement similar effective strategies? Create online solid marketing plans for your business with the help of the best digital marketing company in Thrissur, www.nexxacorporates.com


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